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Humble leaders: DiSC SC or CS style leadership

#Humble leaders: DiSC SC or CS style leadership| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The pitfalls of humble-only leadership

The desire to be seen as reliable and have everything “just so” can hinder a leader in times of rapid change or during a major disruption that needs immediate attention. The humble leader has to expend extra effort to take risks; it’s more natural for them to try to avoid trouble. They sometimes respect rules and traditions so much that they expand them to cover areas that weren’t initially intended. Humble leaders need to learn how to stretch their boundaries and be more adventurous in looking for new opportunities.

While gaining input from others and focusing on the needs of the team are important, it’s also important for a leader to show passion and confidence. Humble leaders tend toward emotional restraint and can have a hard time rallying people through their own energy and enthusiasm. Their low need for ego gratification and a desire to be inconspicuous can hide their leadership skills from those looking for more charisma and self-promotion.






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